9 Years of Shadows

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9 Years of Shadows is a pixelart adventure game developed by Halberd Studios and published by Freedom Games. This game is available for the Nintendo Switch, GeForce Now, and Microsoft Windows, and was released on 27 March 2023.

This premise of this game revolves around restoring color to a cursed world after 9 years in darkness.


Europa, a young warrior, together with her ghostly childhood companion, Apino, fight to restore color to their world. 9 years ago, a fateful night of sorrow and ancient magic changed her life forever, and with it, everything else as mankind knew it. The world has been submerged in the deepest of shadows, robbing every object and living creature of their color, their joy, and hope.

The curse itself stemmed from the Talos Castle. Many tried to venture inside, but they failed, all except Europa. She enters the castle with a quest to find the source of darkness. There, in a hopeless moment, she meets Apino, a magical bear with the ability to heal, cleanse the corruption, shield his allies from ranged attacks and shoot projectiles at enemies.

During her adventure, Europa can gain powerful elemental armors to control one of the elements, and encounter composers who create soothing, healing music.


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